Sorry for the outage there, Grovers. Seems we had a bit of a billing issue with our domain registrar and they pulled the plug. I had set up the domain to auto renew…the only problem was the credit card used to renew it automatically had expired and I didn’t update the card info. Oh, they sent me emails warning me it was coming due, it was due, it had expired, we pulled the plug, etc., but there again, it was an old email address they were sending it to…one I rarely, if ever check (rarely is the key word as they had been sending me emails for months! Color me embarrassed!) This brings up an important issue to all of you who have websites out there, always…no, let me say that a little louder, ALWAYS!!! check your contact and billing information to make sure it is up to date. Otherwise, like Willow’s Grove, your site will take a little nap…or worse, you will lose your domain all together as there are folks out there who like to swoop in and squat on domains that lapsed in renewal.
I’ve been playing MW2 since early December ’09 and have been amazed at the amount of little kids playing this game during the week when I thought kids that age would be in school eating paste. Not only am I amazed at the amount of toddler shooting each other to get ahead in the game (they camp together in free for all and kill each other or gang up to kill others which is really not the point of free for all…all I can think of is that they can’t get the hang of Team Deathmatch where players actually, well, TEAM UP TOGETHER to KILL OTHERS, but I digress) but the amount of whining that takes place within the game on their little toddler microphones. There was actually a match the other day where this preschooler sat on his mic complaining the ENTIRE game that someone stole his AC-130 Care Package and how he was going to write Sony a letter (probably with crayons on lined paper) to get rid of the ability to steal the enemy’s care packages. Well, first of all, take a look at the awards Mr. Fetus who has the skill to hold a game controller, and you will see that there is one you earn for STEALING THE ENEMY’S CARE PACKAGE, and two, get…over…it. Sure I could mute these rug rats who are skipping school, but part of the fun is listening to them cry and whine on their Playskool mics about how the game is unfair and someone stole their care packs or kills or whatever they are cranky about because they missed naptime or snacks because they are spending their day online playing shoot-em-up and using big-boy language. Where else can one hear a two year old saying “f***” or the many variations of it over and over while they sit in their soiled diapers eating their Goldfish snacks and sipping their juice boxes all the while hitting the high ranks because they sit together and play “patty cake” with bullets.
I don’t know if it is like this on XBOXLive, I play on PSN, but I imagine it is the same all around. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m heading back to shoot up a few and steal their lunch money.
Most people have heard about the Mars Face, that image supposedly showing a humanoid face on the surface of Mars taken by the Viking Orbiter. What most people don’t know is the Gorilla Monument near the Lunar South Pole. I think this is proof positive that the Great Apes were once a civilized society that discovered how to leave the Earth and visit our closest celestial neighbor. Perhaps they had a great war or some other catastrophe occurred to revert them to a less evolved species. That is a matter of conjecture, but what isn’t is an obvious “ape-made” structure, or monument honoring some unknown great ape from a distant past, constructed on the moon by intelligent primates.
Credit: NASA 2009
As you can see in the above NASA photo from the LCROSS mission showing the Lunar South Pole with the major craters titled, there in the red circle I drew to show you this forgotten tribute, is the unmistakable image of a gorilla. You have to tilt your head a little to the right, but if you still can’t see it, let me show you the image rotated to the left with titles showing the main facial features.
Perhaps NASA officials knew of this feature and was sending the LCROSS, not to find water, but to discover if there was any further evidence of a Primate Lunar Base. Is this also why so many nations now want to return to the moon? Do they know of the secrets hidden away at the Lunar South Pole Gorilla Base? What window to that ancient and distant primate past will it open when humans return there and explore this region? Stay tuned as more information is discovered!