Vote for Willow’s Grove in TGT Webcomics Tournament – UPDATE

Hey, a big thanks to all of you who voted for Willow’s Grove in Round 2 of the TGT Webcomics Tournament! With your awesome voting skills, we’ve made it to the next round! Now, in Round 3, we are up against some tougher competition and I need your voting skills to kick into top gear! So starting at 1am, August 16th, get out there and please, please vote for Willow’s Grove again, every day through August 21st (you can vote once a day up to 12:59am ET) and help us get through to the next round!

The link is the same to get your voting pointers a’clickin’: TGT Webcomics Tournament – .

I thank you so very much in advance!

Vote vote vote vote, tell your friends, your family, your friends family, your coworkers, your coworkers family, strangers on the street, strangers in a Starbucks, Snakes on a Plane, Snakes in a Starbucks, Snakes on the street or in a field or in your back yard (if it has wi-fi and if those snakes in your backyard have access to a wifi capable computing device…you know, they may not be able to type fast with their tail, but they can surf the internet with the touchpad mouse real well! That’s why snakes went out and bought iPads), vote, vote, vote! Then vote some more!

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