WG 3062 Wives Tale
April 6th, 2021

WG 3062 Wives Tale

Ugh, I apologize…this is unbearably slow for you grovers. I am still here, just having a brain fog with the cancer treatment…about to start a new one on Friday…which makes me just want to sit and stare at the wall. I could go into it further & bring you down into my rabbit hole of depression (stop looking at the twitterfeed, Karl! Not everyone has the exact ending or result! Never give up, never surrender, there is always, always hope!) But I am thinking of finishing this storyline & going on hiatus, at least until I can get out of this funk, or decide to call it a day with Willow’s Grove (although, I’ve tried that once before, but ended up on this current run, even though this current run is kinda’ sputtering out…LOL). We’ll see. Doesn’t help that I’ve had to be sequestered in the house because a certain segment of the population just can’t get it through their heads how serious this pandemic is & if they would just stop being…well, humans, we can get out of this crazy mess.

Stay safe, stay well, stay Grovers!

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