WG 2802 Chunky
March 17th, 2020

WG 2802 Chunky

I’m dedicating today’s comic to my fur baby Sune, who sadly had to leave us 12 days ago. She stopped eating in late December, and we thought we had the right diagnosis because she started eating again after treating her for IBS. But then, late February, she stopped eating again. We tried several things, but she only ate here and there, but then stopped completely again. Turns out the secondary diagnosis, the one we didn’t expect because the treatment for the first diagnosis had worked initially…but the secondary diagnosis seemed to have been the correct one: gastrointestinal lymphoma…on March 5th, we decided to let her go and cross the rainbow bridge because she was suffering too much and was in end stage. Today would’ve been her 11th birthday.

I miss that girl so much…I’m devastated…there isn’t a day that has gone by that I haven’t broken down, sobbing. She was my support, my everything, that was getting through my diagnosis and cancer treatment, and I loved her more than I could ever begin to describe. I don’t know how I’ve found the ability to continue producing my comic, because she was also my muse.

Happy birthday, Sune baby…Daddy loves you so very much & missed the heck out of you!

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4 Responses to “WG 2802 Chunky”

  1. 1
    Nancy says:

    My deepest sympathies. I still miss my Squeaky cat. She passed away 4 years ago from renal failure. I tried hydrating her via IV, but after a couple of weeks, she stopped eating and drinking. She died in my lap, so I know she wasn’t alone when she went.
    Here is a picture of her in her prime.
    {{{HUG}}} Virtual hugs don’t spread viruses!

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Awww! what a cutie! As much as I love animals (more than I can describe), it’s so unfair how short a time they get to spend with us (to them, it’s just life, their whole entire existence, but to us, it seems to be just a fleeting moment). I hope they know how much we mourn their absence.

  2. 2
    Font Lady says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss.