Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Friday, March 25th, 2011

Hey Grovers! You know, as much as I am hurting financially, it pales in comparison to the people who are living through the aftermath of the devastation in Japan. Please, if you can help, text REDCROSS to 90999, go to, or Every little bit you can do helps those who are enduring the unimaginable with lost loved ones, threat of radiation in their water and food, loss of home and property, illness and injury.

For more information go to to see all the other comic artists who are doing their part to spread the word.

Onomatopoeia Day 2011

Friday, July 15th, 2011

It’s here! Another Onomatopoeia Day in which web comics use the word “onomatopoeia” as an onomatopoeia!

Here’s a list of comics that are participating along with Willow’s Grove:

Life’s a Witch by Samantha Wikan

If you have a webcomic and are participating, or if you come across one that is, please drop me a line or leave a comment for this entry.

Temporary Fix

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Okay…so i woke up this morning and had about 100 emails in my inbox…all were messages that i had posts waiting for moderation on the site. So i logged in and saw my spam filter was having issues with the server (thanks yahoo small business!…you fail yet again), so for now, i’ve set it so that to make a comment, you have to be a registered user and logged in. This is a temporary fix so please be patient until my host or my spam filter stops having seizures…thanks! 😀

Oh and i guess this is how my day is going to go…a continuation in my string of bad luck…as if the above problem wasn’t bad enough, i discovered i have my second flat tire in one month! When you don’t have a pot to piss in, you end up with piss all over you…lol